Holly Clark, one of the creators of HyperDocs, shared these Emoji flags to be used in Google Classroom to give visual cues to the students. Definitely going to make use of them!
Troubleshooting Tips
My student (or I) can't log in to my Classroom! Help!
This usually happens when people aren't logged in to their GSuite account. Double-check by looking at the top right of your screen.
2. My Assignments aren't posting. Why?
There has been a lot of demand for Google services. Try scheduling instead of posting, or refresh the page and try again.
3. A student assignment has the message "Assignment in Trash."
Check your Google Drive > Classroom folder for copies of the work. If you still can't find it, you may need to walk the student through how to go to their Drive and look in the Bin to restore work.
4. What do I do with my Google Classroom at the end of the year?
Good question! You've created all these wonderful assignments and quizzes and questions and don't want to reinvent the wheel. I have a post here about what to do: Closing up your Google Classroom at the end of the year.
5. Is there a way to tell if students have copied from each other?
Richard Byrne has a helpful post about scanning and scanning documents in Google Drive to check for exact phrases. Check out https://www.freetech4teachers.com/2020/05/how-to-search-for-matching-similar.html for the tips.
6. Do you have tutorials to show to students?
There's a good one linked below - Google Classroom Student Guide by Craig Steenstra.
7. Want to add voice comments instead of text messages in Google Classroom?
Richard Byrne suggests using the Chrome Extension "Mote" to add comments on Stream, on even on turned in assignments. Here is a link to his video: https://youtu.be/u9nU-XDIeN8
Apps that Integrate with Google Classroom
Many educational apps now integrate with Google Classroom.
To use these apps, go to the website, application or resouce and use the built-in "Share to Google Classroom" option.
Connect your Google Classroom account using your GSuite email address.
Now assign activities right within your Google Classroom.
See Tech Tools for many suggested apps.
Resources and Videos
Google Classroom 101 with Brittany Conrad - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VQfHyB1CT4HaraTpuT84FbK2Isbc5D1v/view
Control Alt Achieve - Video Series: How to Use Google Classroom https://www.controlaltachieve.com/2020/03/classroom-videos.html
How to Use Google Classroom for Standards-Based Grading - Laura Cahill - https://engageducate.com/2018/12/28/how-to-use-google-classroom-for-standards-based-grading/
Kasey Bell has a new post (adding content on an ongoing basis as people ask her questions) on Google Classroom FAQs at https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/google-classroom-faq-your-most-common-questions-answered/
If you're giving a PD on Google Classroom and want a simplified Google Slides presentation, check out this link (make a copy per the request on the last slide): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11WVCCAGt5_UMBFCpHeSePygoYnV2ZBDDiDnZqLbnKbg/edit
Access 1:1 has a number of how-to videos for Google Classroom on their site: http://access1to1.weebly.com/google-classroom.html
Student Guides to Google Classroom
Parent Guides to Google Classroom
Parents Guide to Google Classroom in 2020
Google Classroom for Parents Families Tutorial
Parent's Guide to To-Do List
Have a problem? Please send me details through the Contact form.