Distance Learning

10 Essential Online Learning Best Practices
by Vicki Davis (@Coolcatteacher)
Click on graphic to go to article and full infographic

Resources for Teaching Online


Educational Companies Offering Free Subscriptions due to School Closings

Link to Google Doc

Facebook Educator Groups

Groups with tech and online teaching advice

Virtual Conferences

Have time for some conferences?

  • 2020 Share My Lesson Virtual Conference – is a free virtual conference from March 24-26, with over over 30 webinars focusing on instructional strategies across the curriculum, social-emotional learning, activism, STEM, and trauma-informed practices. This is a fantastic conference. I attend every year. The sessions and presenters from professional organizations are top notch!

  • CUE Spring Conference – Computer-Using Educators (CUE) is a California-based non-profit that offers a premiere educational technology conference each spring. This year, because of coronavirus, they are going virtual offering sessions from March 19 through April 5. More information is coming. I believe there will be a small fee to access it.

  • 13th Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education – Although it is fairly old in terms of virtual reality, Second Life is still one of the best ones out there. “The VWBPE Conference is a completely virtual and free conference that is conducted using simulated environments. Participants experience the conference through a virtual reality type setting including conference rooms, theatres, exposition halls, meeting spaces, and other types of venues similar to a brick and mortar type conference.” This year’s conference is from March 26-28.

  • Ditch the Textbook Digital Summit 2019 - Opened up during Covid-19: http://ditchsummit.com/all-ditch-summit-videos/

  • Hive Summit has opened up their recordings during Covid-19 as well: https://www.hivesummit.org/welcome-page-1271