Distance Learning
Resources for Teaching Online
Google for Education Tips for Enabling Distance Learning - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Rda64L47yxvYhvrD0KAlbT4ym138QJ34/view
Google Teacher's Guide and Link to Template for online Lesson for any topic: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z6jHkkBtr7Q78r2gRJ_SXFT4VtrwTqijvNmcbojbOYA/edit
Teach from Home - how to videos! https://teachfromhome.google/intl/en/
Art Ed Guru - 10 Tips for Covid-19 and Flu Season: https://www.artedguru.com/home/10-tips-for-covid-19-and-flu-season
Beyond the Worksheet - Preparing to Teach Remotely: https://beyondtheworksheet.com/preparing-to-teach-remotely/
Cybrary Man's Remote Learning page: http://cybraryman.com/remotelearning.html
Danielle Knight - https://www.studyallknight.com/how-teachers-can-easily-be-ready-for-e-learning-days/
Designing an Online Lesson - https://catlintucker.com/2020/03/designing-an-online-lesson/
Edublogger Resources for Teaching Online due to School Closures - https://www.theedublogger.com/teaching-online-school-closures/
e-Learning Resources (remote learning) - http://educationaltechnologyguy.blogspot.com/2020/03/resources-tips-and-more-for-remote-and.html
E-Learning Exemplars - https://blogs.isb.bj.edu.cn/edtech/elearning-exemplars-table-of-contents/
Google for Education - Learn from Anywhere: https://applieddigitalskills.withgoogle.com/en/remotelearning - Intro to Google Hangouts and other how to's.
Google Guide to teaching remotely: https://www.blog.google/outreach-initiatives/education/distancelearning-covid19
Navigating the Digital School: https://www.techlearning.com/resources/navigating-the-digital-school
Online Instruction Ideas - Steve Sherman
Remote Learning Resources, Subscriptions, and Platforms on Wakelet https://wakelet.com/wake/c3d246a2-9b7f-4350-922c-8afe2993b013
Resources on GlideApp - https://covid19edresources.glideapp.io/ - sign in with email and they will email you a pin.
Seattles Child - Teacher-recommended online learning resources: http://www.seattleschild.com/Teacher-recommended-online-learning-resources-and-how-parents-can-support-remote-learnin/
Teacher Tools for Closure - https://sites.google.com/view/schoolclosurevideos/ Contains videos showing how to hold classes virtually, use various tools to help you teach and assess.
Teacher's Guide to Going Remote using the Record In Google Meet Function - currently free to all edu institutions until July 1, 2020 (in our GSuite). Link
During Coronavirus, a Teacher Describes the Scramble to Go Digital - https://www.edutopia.org/article/during-coronavirus-teacher-describes-scramble-go-digital
Teach with Tech's Online Conference 2018 videos - playlists of how-to over 3 days - free to help out teachers: MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY
Reminder of priorities when putting your course online https://anygoodthing.com/2020/03/12/please-do-a-bad-job-of-putting-your-courses-online/ -
Excellent infographic with advice: https://alisonyang.weebly.com/blog
Free Resources from a school's art website: https://phsvisualartdept.weebly.com/virtural-and-online-learning-resources.html
Webinar on Teaching Online from Susan Riley, The Institute for Arts Integration and Steam: https://educationcloset.ontraport.com/c/s/yqT/TFdL/s/6GM/eBH/6ix8TM/z23Fzjk04Z/P/P/e4
How to hold classes Virtually - https://sites.google.com/view/schoolclosurevideos/
Outschool - Live online Classes for ages 3-18 ($5+ per class) - https://outschool.com/
Teach from Home - from Google: https://teachfromhome.google/intl/en/
Google Teacher Podcasts at https://googleteacherpodcast.com/
National Emergency Library - Free Texts: https://archive.org/details/nationalemergencylibrary
Larry Ferlazzo's Best List of Teaching during Coronavirus: https://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/2020/03/28/all-the-best-lists-related-to-supporting-teachers-in-the-age-of-the-coronavirus-in-one-place/
Choosing the Right Tools for Online Learning - a review of lots of useful tools, many which can integrate with Google Classroom - https://www.gettingsmart.com/2020/03/choosing-the-right-tools-for-remote-learning/
10 Essential Online Learning Best Practices - Vicki Davis - https://www.coolcatteacher.com/video-10-essential-online-learning-best-practices/
7 Way to Rethink Digital Assignments in a Post-COVID World: https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/7-ways-to-rethink-digital-assignments/
https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/ - Jennifer Gonzales
https://shakeuplearning.com/ - Kasey Bell
https://www.hollyclark.org/ - Infused Classroom - Holly Clark
Educational Companies Offering Free Subscriptions due to School Closings
Facebook Educator Groups
Groups with tech and online teaching advice
Temporary School Closure Support: https://www.facebook.com/groups/Temporaryschoolclosuresupport/
Teach with Tech: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TeachWithTechGroup/
The Infused Classroom - https://www.facebook.com/groups/infusedclassroom/ - Google tool infusion
Technology Teacher Tribe with Brittany Washburn - https://www.facebook.com/groups/techteachertribe/
Amazing Educational Resources: https://www.facebook.com/groups/445786889466638/ - incl. list of companies offering free subscriptions
Google Classroom Gab Group (has how-to videos): https://www.facebook.com/groups/140532373461537/
Corona Jewish Home Education Tips & Resources - https://www.facebook.com/groups/2625918534350456/
Virtual Conferences
Have time for some conferences?
2020 Share My Lesson Virtual Conference – is a free virtual conference from March 24-26, with over over 30 webinars focusing on instructional strategies across the curriculum, social-emotional learning, activism, STEM, and trauma-informed practices. This is a fantastic conference. I attend every year. The sessions and presenters from professional organizations are top notch!
CUE Spring Conference – Computer-Using Educators (CUE) is a California-based non-profit that offers a premiere educational technology conference each spring. This year, because of coronavirus, they are going virtual offering sessions from March 19 through April 5. More information is coming. I believe there will be a small fee to access it.
13th Annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education – Although it is fairly old in terms of virtual reality, Second Life is still one of the best ones out there. “The VWBPE Conference is a completely virtual and free conference that is conducted using simulated environments. Participants experience the conference through a virtual reality type setting including conference rooms, theatres, exposition halls, meeting spaces, and other types of venues similar to a brick and mortar type conference.” This year’s conference is from March 26-28.
Ditch the Textbook Digital Summit 2019 - Opened up during Covid-19: http://ditchsummit.com/all-ditch-summit-videos/
Hive Summit has opened up their recordings during Covid-19 as well: https://www.hivesummit.org/welcome-page-1271