
Flipgrid is a program that allows people to record short response videos to prompts, reflections, or even read books. While it requires someone to have an account, you can invite others (students, PD participants) to add their video.

Flipgrid has a new feature - a whiteboard! You can toggle between camera and whiteboard to create quick lessons or have students demonstrate their thinking, e.g. when solving a math problem.

Here are some innovative ways that educators have used Flipgrid:

Kyle Reed has created Bitmoji libraries that link to Flipgrids of older students reading books to younger ones, at: https://sites.google.com/wtsdnj.com/mr-reed/distance-learning

Ditch that Tech post on ways to use Flipgrid in your classroom: https://ditchthattextbook.com/catch-the-flipgrid-fever-15-ways-to-use-flipgrid-in-your-class/

Flipgrid has posted some information on using it with remote learning at https://blog.flipgrid.com/news/remotelearning

Flipgrid Tutorial - Ever Educating

How to Teach Remotely with Flipgrid

How to use Flipgrid to make Screencast Videos

A Short Overview of New Flipgrid Features (Aug 2 2019)

How to use the new Flipgrid camera

A Guide to Getting Started with Flipgrid - Teacher & Student View

FLIPGRID Updates announced on June 29, 2020