I see so many posts asking which is better, Nearpod or Peardeck. Here is feedback from people on the Teach with Tech group. People love both but suggest comparing features to see which ones fit the needs of your class. Overwhelmingly responses were pro Nearpod, except for the cost.
Extension for Google Slides. Allows you to build interactive lessons or pull from their libraries. Has more features than Peardeck. More comprehensive. Automatically assesses (versus requiring teacher to give feedback). Cons: after free trial, you have to pay for student-paced lessons. They will be adding an EdPuzzle-like feature in the fall, 2020. Good teacher view/dashboard. Students can give verbal answers. More expensive. Has more pre-developed content by vetted authors. Students don't have to sign in but will still track progress based on names students use! Integrates well with a lot of LMSs.
Build interactive lessons. Add on for slides. Some math teachers prefered this one. Peardeck can send takeaways to each student at the end of a lesson. More flexible to build. Easier to log in on computers and chromebooks. Fewer pre-developed lessons in library. Much less costly.
Image from Jake Miller @JakeMillerTech
Update from Nearpod as of August 3, 2020: you can embed videos with embedded questions and watch responses in read time. Does anyone know if this is essentially the same as Edpuzzle's capability?
Nearpod YouTube Tutorial Playlist -
Nearpod Teacher Resources -
How to make Interactive Videos in Nearpod (Fall 2020 update)